Hello everyone. Welcome to Rural Seniors.com. It occurred to me recently that a lot of publications and organizations geared toward Seniors, what I consider us “Baby Boomers”, are mostly aimed at city folk or urban seniors. No mystery there. I get that; Reach the most people you can for your efforts. That’s good marketing strategy if nothing else. Anyway……..This isn’t a “Commercial” Site so I don’t have to market to a huge audience, although there are a lot of seniors living in rural areas or towns of several hundred residents, less than a 1000 let’s say, in this country, so the audience, readership and/or site account Membership could be quite large.

RS wants to offer information about Senior living geared toward those of us who have lived most of our lives in the Country or small, rural Communities. Tips, Advice, Thoughts and so on. We’ll have pages on “Living”, “Day-to-Day Concerns”, “Social considerations”, “Health”, “Financial/Legal” (Please see Disclaimer re: Financial/Legal/Medical), and Other topics of Special Interest to people of our age group. Can you imagine the wealth of information we have accumulated? Must be astounding. Bring it all to bear on our site for all to share.

We’ll run this as a blog and I’ll toss something out every week, or sooner, or later, that has come up from inquiries or thoughts from myself or others. You can make an account, or not. We’ll keep it fairly informal. There may be some advertising or affiliated links and/or even a PayPal link for donations so that I can keep the doors open so to speak. I want this to be a fun, information packed site that we “Boomers” can benefit from!!!