I’ve described the site pretty much on HOME page and so “ABOUT” will mostly be about the Author/Webmaster/Old Dude/Child of the 60’s/Baby Boomer and other descriptors of that ilk………When/if I say “We” for now that means “ME!”  If this gets out of hand then I’ll find help.  Also you may consider “We” to mean anyone that contributes to the site, with comments, photos, videos, [good] advice/ideas, and so on.

That being said:

  • I am a Senior-aged, Male, Baby Boomer and I’ve lived and worked in small town middle America all my life.  I’ve lived and loved and had ups and downs.  I’ve done a lot of things and there are a lot of things I haven’t done.  I consider myself a pretty decent person, and while that may not be a widely held opinion, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

  • The world has had the pleasure of having me in it for a little over 70 years, so, as mentioned, I’ve done a lot and seen a lot and am pretty well set in my ways and resist change (especially to the things I like which include but are not limited to: 1) Rock ‘n Roll (Except most everything including and after Disco). 2) 1960’s Muscle cars (Mine was a ’68 “Goat” w/ a 375 horse 400 and a Hurst 4-speed. 3) Steaks (Ribeye, medium well, one inch minimum but Inch 1/4 or inch 1/2 is better). 4) Women (That should be self explanatory). 5) Apple Pie (Homemade, others on a case by case basis, but probably “yes”). The list could go on, and probably will in a blog or two

  • I’ve never lived in a town bigger than four or five thousand population and spent the greater part of my adult life living on 15 acres half a dozen miles from the nearest population center of 150 or so souls. We didn’t farm but raised our kids on that acreage and finally moved to a town….. of 200 souls. On the farm our nearest neighbor lived a mile and 1/2 away, until he died. Then we didn’t have a “close” neighbor.

  • I’ve always been patriotic and still get emotional any time our National Anthem is played/sung. (A flyover really gets me going). I expect a lady to let me walk on the street side of the sidewalk. I also expect ladies, of all ages, and most anyone else to let me hold the door for them. And nothing pleases me more than when a young person (without instructions from a parent) holds the door for me. I spent my working life in sales, computer/IT, home remodeling and finally law enforcement (until I retired).

  • I know how and why to be politically correct but it doesn’t always translate well and I mean no disrespect by what I say or do………Let me clear that thought up….. If I mean any disrespect I’ll let you know right up front so you all understand. Along with that goes this….. If I mean to deliver praise then I’ll be clear on that too.

  • So you see. I’ve had a good life. I like to think of it as a common, normal Post WWII life in the United States. Problems here and there to be sure. I’ve had too many stents to count in the last 20+ years and had two bypass surgeries (total of seven bypasses), and have type 2 diabetes. Those are my main claim to health problems aside from hearing aids, dentures and glasses and assorted aches and pains. So am still healthy enough to do pretty much everything I want (Luckily for me I no longer want to run or play college football or things like that) On the plus side I’ve been eating better and walking to lose weight and that should help with heart and diabetes situations and I’ve also thought that running might be back on the agenda before long….Jogging maybe.  Hmmm…. I suppose that’s still a bit of a stretch.

  • All of the above, about me and how I feel “normal” and “common” I realize are NOT “Normal” or “Common” for a vast number of Seniors. You all will have to help me make this site useful to as many of us “Rural Boomers” as possible.

  • So enough for now I expect the blog part of this site will see some of the above mentioned topics expanded and elaborated on.

  • You can see that all of the above is pretty slanted to my own personal circumstances and how I’ve grown up (no apologies).  So for that to be mitigated some and this site to flourish and for me to be enlightened I’ll need input from my Baby Boomer friends wherever you are. ………TIA!

  • NOTE: You will be required to have an ACCOUNT in order to comment or contribute but PLEASE folks…ONLY a name (doesn’t even have to be your real one.) and an email address (would like that to be real so we can communicate if need be) No newsletter, spam or whatever will be sent.

  • NOTE TWO: And I MEAN THIS FOLKS!!!……..I’ll allow zero political crap or religious bickering……Period-End-of-Sentence!!! There are literally millions of pages out there to deal with that. Go find one of them. This is my site (with help soon, I hope) and I will moderate all content. Keep it clean! or it won’t be allowed. My target audience knows how to behave (I hope!)

  • ALSO: At this point an SSL is still out of budget so DON’T put anything sensitive or financial in your ACCOUNT. I haven’t set this up as a commercial site so you may not even have the opportunity to enter such information…….Just so you know.