21st Century Technology…Friend or Foe?

Today’s electronic technology can be a bit daunting for Seniors. It seems to have invaded our lives and can be challenging for those of us born into an analog world. Even though, with a little guidance and understanding we can absolutely make it work for us and use it to make our Senior living easier. After all, you wouldn’t be on this site reading this if you or a knowledgeable friend weren’t capable of logging online and finding what you want.

Personal computers (for the “Averageman”) came into wide use in the 80’s and the internet in the 90’s, so we were in midlife at that point and some of us took to technology and others not so much. Actually for the last 20 years or so our world couldn’t very well have existed without computer technology. Personal computers, cell phones, the internet were all booming by then. Our infrastructure, Power grids, Utilities, Communication systems, all controlled by computers and operated via wired or wireless, in the workplace or remotely via the internet. Our Cars have had computer controlled everything for that long, now even our home appliances and security can be controlled from wherever we are just by having the right app on our smartphone.