So you know: I intend to be pretty low keyed with this site and run it and finance it without a lot of commercial trappings, items to sell or whatever. I will have links to some other sites that will provide a commission to me should you follow one and make a purchase. No big deal but that and PayPal contributions I expect will keep the site going.

Also: I strive to provide my own content as much as possible but believe it or not there are greater minds out there than mine and I’m willing to use content from other sources if I find it expedient. That being said, if and when I use something not in the public domain, or not my own, I will attempt to obtain permission and will give credit to the “contributing” source.

Also: Comments and other information contributed by account holders will be “approved” by me before publication. I won’t have any foul, rude or offensive (in my opinion) language. I don’t want this to be a political or religious forum, there are more than enough sites for that. This won’t be one of them! I intend for this to be a good, hopefully informative, maybe even entertaining site, so help me out folks.

TIA people…………Joe