A great many Seniors look forward to traveling when they retire and spend much of their time saving and planning for it. I personally really enjoy my “windshield” time…. me and my travel buddy hitting the open road to see all, or at least much, of what the good old USofA has to offer. Others plan to see the world. There are so many options. Also some considerations that Seniors need to pay attention to and plan for when setting out.

I have a very good acquaintance, who, with his wife have spent a good deal of time the last 20 or so years taking cruises to all parts of the world. Ironically enough they aren’t even yet fully retired, but are now Seniors anyway. I mention them because they have, over the years, learned how to “cruise” on a budget and now spend some time lecturing and showing others what information and tips they’ve accumulated.

Anyway stay tuned to this page and we’ll explore traveling for Seniors as we go along.